Friday, April 20, 2012

Best Prices DELL CTO 24IN WIDE ST2420L FP MON - 592214335

Best Prices DELL CTO 24IN WIDE ST2420L FP MON - 592214335

Discount Best Prices DELL CTO 24IN WIDE ST2420L FP MON - 592214335. Be prepared to be blown away by this high performance 24-in widescreen LCD monitor with LED backlight. The 1920x1080 full HD resolution and true-to-life pictures of sharp contrast of brightness and darkness supported by LED-enabled Mega Dynamic Contrast Ratio (estimated at 8,000,000:1 for ST2420L), and Static Contrast Ratio of 1000:1 (typical), the redesigned 24-in monitor delivers true cinematic-picture quality to your entertainment with a 16:9 aspect rat... ... » Learn more about DELL CTO 24IN WIDE ST2420L FP MON - 592214335.

Review for DELL CTO 24IN WIDE ST2420L FP MON - 592214335.For the price, this is a good general usage monitor: Web surfing, document writing, emails, etc. - Pretty much anything you need to do as long as it isn't viewing or editing images or video. As others have mentioned, the monitor is bright - light-bulb in your face bright. Turn down the brightness and the colors fade dramatically and the overall viewing becomes more difficult. The display is as inconsistent as reviewed: a full screen image of a solid col... ... » Read more about Best Prices DELL CTO 24IN WIDE ST2420L FP MON - 592214335 at

Best Prices DELL CTO 24IN WIDE ST2420L FP MON - 592214335 » Hot Price.

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